Hello, our name is PlanForm Jakub Marciniak, ul. Wigury 7 lok. 24, 90-302 Łódź, tel. +48 602 175 702 e-mail: Within the meaning of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) - GDPR, we are the Administrator of your personal data. This policy determines how we treat your personal data if you are a user of our website or you visit it.

Type of personal data collected.

We collect certain personal data about visitors and users of our Website. The types of information we collect include: IP address and contact details.

How do we collect personal data?

We collect personal data only automatically during your stay on our Website.

Personal data that we collect about you from others.

We usually collect personal data directly from you and with your consent, but we also collect categories of personal information about you from other sources through service providers such as Google, who can provide information about you.

Use of your personal data.

It is implemented within legally justified goals. They include:
- providing services described on the Website;
- managing our relationship with you, e.g. by responding to your queries sent to us via email address,
- responding to requests from institutions authorized to receive information.

When do we disclose your personal data?

We disclose personal data to the following recipients:
- subcontractors and service providers who help us in connection with the purposes of using personal data (as specified above), in particular: providers of website hosting services that are located in Poland ( SA company ul. Zbożowa 4, 70-653 Szczecin , Polska / Poland, +48.914325555, +48.504502500,
- technical services and customer support that are located in Poland, Great Britain and the United States, noting that our subcontractors and service providers may also transfer and access such information from other countries in which they operate;
- lawyers, supervisors and governmental bodies in relation to legal compliance procedures and obligations;
- a third party when it relates to an investigation or suspected or suspected illegal activity;
- third parties to enforce or protect our rights or to deal with financial risk or loss of reputation;

Where do we store your personal data?

Our headquarters is in Poland, in Łódź, so your data will be processed in Poland. Some of the recipients we described in the section above and to whom we disclose your personal data, are based outside of Poland in places such as Great Britain and the USA. We do this based on your consent to this policy. In order to protect your data, we make sure to cooperate with subcontractors and service providers who, in our opinion, maintain a high standard of compliance with information security requirements.

How do we secure your personal data?

We store personal data on secure servers managed by More about security:

Information you publish or pass on to others

If you share your personal data with others, we cannot control or take responsibility for the way they will use or manage this data. There are many ways you can share information with others, such as when you post a public message on a forum, share information through social media, or contact another user. Before you make your personal data publicly available or pass it on to anyone else, think carefully. When providing information to another user, ask them how they will process your data and for what purpose. If you share information via another website, please read this website's privacy policy to understand the principles of information management, as this privacy policy will not apply to those pages.

How long do we store your personal data?

We store your personal data for as long as necessary to provide services to you and to comply with our legal obligations.
You have the right to request from us:
- access to personal data concerning you, rectification,
- deletion,
- processing restrictions,
- data transfer.

You also have the right to object.
As part of your rights, you can file a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection - PUODO.


We will need to change this policy from time to time to keep abreast of the latest legal requirements and any changes in privacy management practices. When we change the rules, the latest version of these rules will always be available on this page.

How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about our privacy practices or how we manage your personal data, please contact us by writing to:


We are glad that you have reached the end of the privacy policy, because knowing this information is the best way to understand how your personal data is used and how to best manage it.